// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2025 Runxi Yu // Adapted from template by Willow Barraco use fs; use getopt; use log; use net; use net::dial; use net::http; use net::ip; use net::tcp; use net::uri; use os; use memio; use io; use fmt; use bufio; use unix::signal; const usage: [_]getopt::help = [ "Lindenii Forge Server", ('c', "config", "path to configuration file") ]; let static_fs: nullable *fs::fs = null; let running: bool = true; export fn sigint_handler(sig: signal::sig, info: *signal::siginfo, ucontext: *opaque) void = { running = false; }; export fn main() void = { signal::handle(signal::sig::INT, &sigint_handler, signal::flag::NONE, null); const cmd = getopt::parse(os::args, usage...); defer getopt::finish(&cmd); let port: u16 = 8080; let ip_addr: ip::addr4 = [127, 0, 0, 1]; for (let opt .. cmd.opts) { switch (opt.0) { case 'c' => yield; // TODO: actually handle the config case => abort("unreachable"); }; }; static_fs = os::diropen("static")!; defer fs::close(static_fs as *fs::fs); const server = match (http::listen(ip_addr, port, net::tcp::reuseport, net::tcp::reuseaddr)) { case let this: *http::server => yield this; case => abort("failure while listening"); }; defer http::server_finish(server); for (running) { const serv_req = match (http::serve(server)) { case let this: *http::server_request => yield this; case => log::println("failure while serving"); continue; }; defer http::serve_finish(serv_req); match (handlereq(serv_req.socket, &serv_req.request)) { case void => yield; case => log::println("error while handling request"); }; }; };