Email Software
maild.git[WIP] SMTP and IMAP daemonRunxi Yu47 hourssummarylogtree
IRC Software
meseircd.git[WIP] Internet Relay Chat daemonRunxi Yu3 weekssummarylogtree
Legacy Repositories
legitrx.git[Legacy] Web frontend for Git, forked from icyphox's legitRunxi Yu3 weekssummarylogtree
go-lindenii-common.git[WIP] Common Go library for Lindenii projectsRunxi Yu5 dayssummarylogtree
go-lindenii-imap.git[WIP] IMAP library for Lindenii projectsRunxi Yusummarylogtree
Lindenii Administration
website.git[WIP] Source code for the Lindenii Project WebsiteRunxi Yu13 dayssummarylogtree
e² Programming Language
e2-spec.git[WIP] Specification for the e² Programming LanguageRunxi Yu11 dayssummarylogtree
tau1.git[WIP] A demo implementation for the e² Programming LanguageRunxi Yu13 dayssummarylogtree