BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
go*: go-humanize is a direct dependency, not indirectRunxi Yu3 days
harehare branch is deprecatedRunxi Yu10 hours
masterHare branch is master nowRunxi Yu10 hours
native-go-git-transportsREADME.md: Branch informationRunxi Yu4 weeks
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
3 days*: go-humanize is a direct dependency, not indirectgoRunxi Yu1-1/+1
3 dayscss: Make the chunk addition/deletion/etc colors slightly sanerRunxi Yu1-4/+4
3 daysreadme: We're switching to HareRunxi Yu1-0/+4
5 dayscss, html: Fix for multi-row headers and footersRunxi Yu3-15/+21
5 dayscss, html: Rounded cornersRunxi Yu12-16/+48
6 dayscss: Make --danger-color actually redRunxi Yu1-2/+2
6 daysindex: Humanize allocated sizeRunxi Yu4-2/+7
6 daysindex: Remove unnecessary newlines in tdRunxi Yu1-3/+1
6 days*: ReformatRunxi Yu1-1/+1
6 daysmain: Add pprof listener for performance debuggingRunxi Yu1-0/+13