diff options
authorRunxi Yu <me@runxiyu.org>2025-02-19 21:24:47 +0800
committerRunxi Yu <me@runxiyu.org>2025-02-19 21:24:47 +0800
commit114dd59d703d00efe86ad02eb956aa5343daa08e (patch)
parentssh/recv, hooks: Create MRs on push, reject pushes to others' MRs (diff)
all: Use COALESCE to handle some nullable database fields
5 files changed, 15 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/git_hooks_handle.go b/git_hooks_handle.go
index 9dc3ed6..24f8077 100644
--- a/git_hooks_handle.go
+++ b/git_hooks_handle.go
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ func hooks_handle_connection(conn net.Conn) {
} else { // Existing contrib branch
var existing_merge_request_user_id int
err = database.QueryRow(ctx,
- "SELECT creator FROM merge_requests WHERE source_ref = $1 AND repo_id = $2",
+ "SELECT COALESCE(creator, 0) FROM merge_requests WHERE source_ref = $1 AND repo_id = $2",
strings.TrimPrefix(ref_name, "refs/heads/contrib/"), pack_to_hook.repo_id,
if err != nil {
@@ -150,6 +150,11 @@ func hooks_handle_connection(conn net.Conn) {
return 1
+ if existing_merge_request_user_id == 0 {
+ all_ok = false
+ fmt.Fprintln(ssh_stderr, "Rejecting push to merge request with no owner", ref_name)
+ continue
+ }
if existing_merge_request_user_id != pack_to_hook.user_id {
all_ok = false
diff --git a/http_auth.go b/http_auth.go
index 370e38b..eb6e604 100644
--- a/http_auth.go
+++ b/http_auth.go
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ func get_user_info_from_request(r *http.Request) (id int, username string, err e
- err = database.QueryRow(r.Context(), "SELECT user_id, username FROM users u JOIN sessions s ON u.id = s.user_id WHERE s.session_id = $1;", session_cookie.Value).Scan(&id, &username)
+ err = database.QueryRow(r.Context(), "SELECT user_id, COALESCE(username, '') FROM users u JOIN sessions s ON u.id = s.user_id WHERE s.session_id = $1;", session_cookie.Value).Scan(&id, &username)
diff --git a/http_handle_login.go b/http_handle_login.go
index f45db80..5aed680 100644
--- a/http_handle_login.go
+++ b/http_handle_login.go
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ func handle_login(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params map[string]any)
password := r.PostFormValue("password")
var password_hash string
- err := database.QueryRow(r.Context(), "SELECT id, password FROM users WHERE username = $1", username).Scan(&user_id, &password_hash)
+ err := database.QueryRow(r.Context(), "SELECT id, COALESCE(password, '') FROM users WHERE username = $1", username).Scan(&user_id, &password_hash)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, pgx.ErrNoRows) {
params["login_error"] = "Unknown username"
@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ func handle_login(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params map[string]any)
http.Error(w, "Error querying user information: "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ if password_hash == "" {
+ params["login_error"] = "User has no password"
+ render_template(w, "login", params)
+ return
+ }
match, err := argon2id.ComparePasswordAndHash(password, password_hash)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/http_handle_repo_contrib_index.go b/http_handle_repo_contrib_index.go
index 94a24b8..e864dfa 100644
--- a/http_handle_repo_contrib_index.go
+++ b/http_handle_repo_contrib_index.go
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ type id_title_status_t struct {
func handle_repo_contrib_index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params map[string]any) {
- rows, err := database.Query(r.Context(), "SELECT id, title, status FROM merge_requests WHERE repo_id = $1", params["repo_id"])
+ rows, err := database.Query(r.Context(), "SELECT id, COALESCE(title, 'Untitled'), status FROM merge_requests WHERE repo_id = $1", params["repo_id"])
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Error querying merge requests: "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
diff --git a/http_handle_repo_contrib_one.go b/http_handle_repo_contrib_one.go
index 6841f2b..0691050 100644
--- a/http_handle_repo_contrib_one.go
+++ b/http_handle_repo_contrib_one.go
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ func handle_repo_contrib_one(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params map[
var title, status, source_ref, destination_branch string
- err = database.QueryRow(r.Context(), "SELECT title, status, source_ref, destination_branch FROM merge_requests WHERE id = $1", mr_id).Scan(&title, &status, &source_ref, &destination_branch)
+ err = database.QueryRow(r.Context(), "SELECT COALESCE(title, ''), status, source_ref, COALESCE(destination_branch, '') FROM merge_requests WHERE id = $1", mr_id).Scan(&title, &status, &source_ref, &destination_branch)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Error querying merge request: "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)