path: root/templates/group.tmpl (unfollow)
Commit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
6 dayscss, html: Fix for multi-row headers and footersRunxi Yu1-1/+1
6 dayscss, html: Rounded cornersRunxi Yu1-1/+1
9 dayshttp/templates: Reduce whitespaceRunxi Yu1-13/+12
9 dayshooks, fedauth: Add basic federated authentication for git pushRunxi Yu1-0/+1
9 daysgroup: Reorder contrib options in repo creation formRunxi Yu1-1/+1
10 daysgroup/index: Allow repo creation via webRunxi Yu1-0/+11
10 daysgroup: Add description field to the create repo formRunxi Yu1-1/+7
10 daysgroup/index: Add create repo formRunxi Yu1-0/+37
10 daysgroup/index: Add group descriptionRunxi Yu1-0/+3
10 days*: Support subgroups via SQL recursionRunxi Yu1-0/+24